The Ultimate Guide to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Brave adventurers will adore exploring the San Juan Mountains when they stay at Centennial RV Park, and probably the best way to take in the vast views of the Colorado Rockies is by taking time to visit Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.

With the many hiking trails to trailblaze and peaks to gaze from in awe, this national park is not one you should overlook. Let’s take a look at the many different attractions on the Black Canyon Scenic Drives.


South Rim Drive - Black Canyon Scenic Drive

The South Rim Drive is the main scenic drive accessible to our guests. The entire drive is a 2-3 hour, out-and-back driving experience if you take some time to explore the various pit stops along the way, but can be done more quickly if you’d prefer to keep driving. If you only want to stop at a couple overlooks, you need to check out the ones near Painted Wall—the major attraction at Black Canyon.

Whether or not you’re a skilled hiker, you should be able to navigate the overlook trails with ease. A few of the other hikes are more difficult—specifically the ones that guide you down the canyon.

We’ll cover all the highlights you’ll find on the drive in the order you’ll come across them.

Tomichi Point

Distance: 1.3  miles

Difficulty: Hard

Tomichi Point is definitely the most difficult hike you’ll find in the national park. While other hikes may start you at the base of a mountain that you have to climb, this hike starts you at the peak and has you descend toward the river. Only experienced hikers should attempt this one; casual scenic drivers can stay the course.

South Rim Visitor Center

Not only will you have the chance to step in and learn about the wildlife of the national park and its formation, but you can also use the center as the hub for several hikes. Four prominent ones include the Rim Rock Trail, the Uplands Trail, the Oak Flat Loop Trail, and the Gunnison Route Trail.

You can also peer down the Gunnison Point Overlook if you want a safe and secure way to view the canyon.

Pulpit Rock Overlook

Distance: 0.2 miles

Difficulty: Easy

An easily-accessible overlook with a picnic bench for those who want a meal with a view. Located just after the South Rim Visitor Center, meaning this could be your final stop if you’ve hiked for a while there.

Cross Fissures Trail

Distance: 0.2 miles

Difficulty: Easy

An underrated pit stop, the trail is short and offers a one-of-a-kind glance at the steep, tight-knit rock columns.

Rock Point Trail

Distance: 0.4 miles

Difficulty: Easy

If you’re brave enough to peer over the edge, this is one of the few canyon overlooks that gives you a look deep into the canyon.

Devils Lookout

Distance: 0.5 miles

Difficulty: Easy

Straightforward walk to the edge for a look at the depth of the canyon. Excellent bird watching opportunities.


Painted Wall View

Distance: 0.2 miles

Difficulty: Easy

This right here is the number one attraction on the entire scenic drive! Painted Wall features a 200 yard of the impressive igneous rock that forms the canyon. You can get a peek at the lava veins. 

Don’t miss this one, it’s literally the main attraction.

Cedar Point Nature Trail

Distance: 0.4 miles

Difficulty: Easy

Check out Painted Wall from a different angle. There’s quite a bit of greenery on this trail.

Dragon Point Trail

Distance: 0.4 miles

Difficulty: Easy

The only thing that sets this short trail apart from the other ravine-peering ones is the large, twisted tree in the distance. It’s a beautiful view, as usual.

Sunset View

Distance: 0.1 miles

Difficulty: Easy

If you time your visit just right, arriving at sunset for this overlook is a magical experience, otherwise, it’s perfectly skippable if you’ve been stopping a lot at this point.

High Point

Distance: 0.3 miles

Difficulty: Easy

So you’ve finally made it! The end of the journey before you return to the park entrance is High Point lookout. Obviously, it’s the highest overlook you’ll get in the canyon, allowing you to snap a memorable shot from up high. After you’ve gotten your fix, just follow the loop and head back.

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